Quantum Exchange Portal
Are you an international student wishing to pursue your academic interest in quantum technologies in one of the leading countries in quantum research?
Quantum Exchange Portal
Are you an international student wishing to pursue your academic interest in quantum technologies in one of the leading countries in quantum research?
In collaboration with The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and The Ministry for Higher Education of Science of Denmark, Danish Quantum Community is hosting a new exchange portal showcasing the opportunities for international students to pursue their interest in quantum studies at Danish universities.
Denmark holds several strongholds within quantum research that build on the legacy of Niels Bohr who insisted that great ideas should be developed in collaboration with others and for the common good. No country can develop quantum technology on their own and therefore, Denmark has joined an unofficial network of trusted partners within quantum technology.
At the first network roundtable meeting in May 2022, it was highlighted that international collaboration will be important in order to accelerate discovery, share resources, and address global challenges.
Together with Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, Denmark took part in the launch of the Entanglement Exchange, a portal highlighting international exchange opportunities for students, postdocs, and researchers in quantum information science.
Want to pursue the study of quantum technology in one of the world’s leading countries for quantum research?
Denmark is proud to be at the forefront of quantum research as the home country of several leading research institutions on quantum technology. Several quantum leaps were taken in Denmark in recent years, including the establishment of the world’s first ever quantum-encrypted communications link, the announcement of the new NATO DIANA Center for Quantum Technologies in Copenhagen, and new educational offers to study quantum technologies.
Below, you can find a full list of all study programmes in Denmark that focus wholly or partially on the study of quantum technology. The list includes programmes from the master’s level and up.
Aarhus University (AU)
Master’s studies
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Master’s studies
DTU Centres working with quantum technology
University of Copenhagen (KU)
Master’s studies
KU Centres working with quantum technology
University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
Master’s studies
SDU hosts two centres working with quantum technology
Aalborg University (AAU)
Denmark launched the first MSc in Quantum Information Science in 2023
In a collaboration between Technical University of Denmark and University of Copenhagen, Denmark has become one of the few countries in the world to have its own programme on Quantum Information Science. The 2-year MSc in Quantum Information Science accepted its first cohort of students in 2023.
Read more about the programme on the websites of the two universities

The QuanTEEM Master allows students to harness the benefits of an international environment, combining European quantum expertise in a partnership between Aarhus University in Denmark, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC) in France and Technische Universität Kaiserlautern (TUK) in Germany.
The Master’s programme is a diploma of excellence funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, supporting high-level international students who wish to study in Europe.
The Danish part of the programme is based at Aarhus University’s Center for Complex Quantum Systems.
Do you want to read more about life as a student in Denmark?
You can find more information about studying in Denmark at the website of StudyinDenmark.dk
This portal is produced and hosted in partnership with The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Ministry of Higher Education and Science of Denmark. If you have any questions about the study programmes mentioned on this exchange portal, please reach out to the individual faculties or departments with your questions.