About us

Danish Quantum Community is an initiative to bring together all quantum stakeholders in Denmark with the purpose of building a unified ecosystem and strengthening Denmark’s efforts in quantum research and quantum technologies. 

About us

Danish Quantum Community is an initiative to bring together all quantum stakeholders in Denmark with the purpose of building a unified ecosystem and strengthening Denmark’s efforts in quantum research and quantum technologies. 

Our vision

Our vision is a strong Danish ecosystem enabling the realization of economical quantum technology.

Launched in 2021 in Niels Bohr’s famous Auditorium A, Danish Quantum Community originated as a collection of researchers striving to amplify the voices of the Danish quantum ecosystem both nationally and internationally.

Danish Quantum Community was launched as a cross-sectoral organization, bringing together stakeholders from all sectors to facilitate new partnerships and synergies.

As of 2023, Danish Quantum Community spans 37+ partners from all parts of the Danish quantum ecosystem. With representatives from world-leading research hubs at Danish universities, quantum startups, established companies, end-users, investors and industry associations, we are paving the way for the future of Danish quantum partnerships across sectors and academic subfields.

Our mission

Our mission is to increase knowledge about quantum technology, improve conditions for research and innovation and illustrate applications of quantum technology.

With the legacy of Niels Bohr, Denmark has built a world-renowned quantum research community thanks to years of investments into basic research and research infrastructure. But the race to develop second-generation quantum technologies has only just begun.

Danish Quantum Community is working to amplify the national effort to build a strong quantum ecosystem and place Denmark at the internationa l forefront of development and application of quantum technology.

We aim to increase quantum-awareness throughout society, improve the opportunities for research and innovation in quantum technology and illustrate the applications of quantum technology. By doing so in collaboration with all national quantum stakeholders, we pave the way for advancing and accelerating the development of quantum technologies in Denmark.

Why focus on

But why should one be interested
in quantum technology?

Because quantum technology provides the tools to solve the most important challenges humanity is facing. Quantum technology embraces a broad spectrum of novel enabling sensors, communication, and computing technologies. These all exploit entirely new physical modalities and will disrupt altogether the efficiency and security with which information is acquired, transmitted, and processed.

Applications are expected to pervade society e.g., by leaping forward in biological and medical imaging, surpassing computational barriers in pharma and chemistry, and countering cybersecurity threats. Furthermore, quantum technology is considered a key component for solving imminent global challenges related to climate and sustainability in combination with classical computing.

Quantum is already here! Quantum sensors and quantum communication technologies are currently the most mature emerging technologies and are already on the commercial market. While universal quantum computers for real-world applications may still be 10-15 years away, quantum computing already affects how organizations work with technology in preparation for the tectonic change in their current operations, infrastructure and especially within security. Quantum computing carries by far the largest potential to impact and pervade society across all sectors. That is the potential DQC wants to cultivate and strengthen in Denmark.

Focus Areas

Education & Talent

Building and retaining talent is a key driver for quantum innovation. With a flourishing quantum industry, we must work to fill the demand for a quantum literate workforce through quantum programmes and courses at university level and through upskilling of the existing workforce.

Research & Innovation

Denmark is a world-leading hub for quantum research with decades of basic and applied research. To retain this position as a developer of quantum technology, we must continue stimulating startup activities to foster an entrepreneurial spirit at universities to build new quantum innovations.

Application & Commercialization

Building technologically mature quantum use cases will pave the way for early adoption of quantum technology, enabling us to build quantum-readiness among existing industries and harness the commercial potentials of quantum technology for a Danish quantum industry.

Internationalization & Globalization

Maintaining an international outlook is essential for quantum technology due to its technological complexity and the cross-border nature of the issues that quantum can help us solve. Etablishing a Nordic quantum ecosystem and building European and transatlantic quantum partnerships will be foundational in ensuring international collaboration on QT.


All inquiries



Interested in becoming a partner of Danish Quantum Community?

Pernille Skaarup
Head of Secretariat

+45 20 35 74 20

Board of directors



Chief Operating Officer, Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP)

Vice Chair

CEO, IT-Branchen

Board of Directors 

Andreas Holbak Espersen

Director of Digital Policy, Danish Industry

Andreas Holbak Espersen

Director of Digital Policy, Danish Industry

Bent Dalager

Partner, KPMG NewTech & Head of Global Quantum Hub, KPMG

Basil Garabet

President & CEO, NKT Photonics

Cathal Mahon

Chief Business Officer, Deep Tech Lab – Quantum

Bent Dalager

Partner, KPMG NewTech & Head of Global Quantum Hub, KPMG

Jan B. Lillelund

CTO and Executive Architect, IBM

Cathal Mahon

Chief Business Officer, Deep Tech Lab – Quantum 

Jan W. Thomsen

Professor, Niels Bohr Institute & COO, Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP)

Charlotte Mark

Managing Director, Microsoft Development Center

Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen

Director, Center for Quantum Mathemathics, SDU & Director, SDU Quantum Hub

Jan B. Lillelund

CTO & Executive Architect, IBM

Lydia Baril

Head, Quantum DTU

Jan W. Thomsen

COO, Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP)

Michael Kjær

CEO, DFM – Danish National Metrology Institute

Natasha Friis Saxberg

CEO, IT-Branchen

Natasha Friis Saxberg

CEO, IT-Branchen

Niels Gregersen

Professor, DTU Electro 

Nikolaj Juncher Wædegaard

VP of Digitalization, Technology & Strategy, Danish Chamber of Commerce (Dansk Erhverv)

Nikolaj Zinner

Professor at Aarhus University & co-founder, Kvantify

Nikolaj Zinner

Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University

Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen

Professor & Director of SDU Quantum Hub

Ulrich Busk Hoff

Quantum Engagement Specialist, Kvantify

Ulrich Busk Hoff

Quantum Engagement Specialist, Kvantify
