Presentation & Review of the New Danish Quantum Strategy (Part 1 & 2)




Langebrogade 1
1411 København

Quantum technology will revolutionize our society, and with the government’s comprehensive quantum strategy, Denmark is now firmly positioning itself in the race to become one of the leading nations in developing groundbreaking solutions and establishing a new Danish competitive edge.

The government released the first part of the quantum strategy in June 2023, focusing on research and has just launched the second part of the strategy in September 2023. While Part 1 concentrates on research and innovation, Part 2 revolves around commercialization, security, and international collaboration for businesses. A total of DKK 250 million annually has been allocated to the quantum field for the period 2024-2027, with DKK 200 million dedicated to research and DKK 50 million for businesses.

In this meeting, representatives from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs will present and elaborate on the elements of the two sub-strategies, which together form a comprehensive vision for Denmark’s efforts and activities in quantum technology.

The event is organized in collaboration between Danish Quantum Community and IT-Branchen.

12:30-12:45 | Welcome by Jan Thomsen, chair of DQC and COO at NQCP and Natasha Friis Saxberg, vicechair of DQC and CEO of IT-Branchen

12:45-13:15 | Quantum Strategy Part 1: Presentation by Maria Ulff-Møller, Head of Department, Ministry of Higher Education and Science

13:15-13:45 | Quantum Strategy Part 2: Presentation by Torsten Andersen, Deputy Director-General, Danish Business Authority

13:35-14:20 | Questions & Interactive Discussion

14:20-14:30 | Closing remarks & thank you for today

Arrivals and lunch from 12:00pm.




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DQC is partnering with Copenhagen Fintech to highlight the impact of quantum technology on the financial sector at Nordic Fintech Week.





10 Raffinaderivej
2300 Copenhagen




The Residence of the Ambassador of Denmark, 3200 Whitehaven St, NW, Washington, D.C. 20008, USA




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