Let’s entangle: Danish-Swiss quantum collaboration





Join a unique matchmaking platform and our webinar on May 6th on European, Danish and Swiss funding opportunities for cooperation in quantum research and innovation.

Unique matchmaking platform to profile yourself

A dedicated matchmaking platform has been set up by the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science, Euresearch and SERI to facilitate contact between leading experts in the quantum field and related fields. The platform shall help facilitate contact and dialogue before and after a webinar on 6th May 2025 on European, Danish and Swiss funding opportunities for cooperation in quantum research and innovation. On the platform you can profile yourself for the matchmaking and join us for the webinar.


At the webinar on May 6th DQC, Innovation Fund Denmark and the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science will together with Swiss colleagues share information about relevant funding opportunities and our national quantum ecosystems.


It is a priority of the Danish and Swiss Government to facilitate and further increase collaboration between Danish and Swiss national science and innovation communities. To this end a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Denmark and Switzerland was signed in 2024 and it provides a framework that can bring the two countries closer together and help raise awareness of the collaborative relationships and opportunities that exist.

It is the goal, that a dedicated platform and the webinar in May should lead to an increased number of applications with participation from both countries under the Horizon Europe programme and various national programs and open calls that are available.

Sign up

To sign up, please register on the B2match platform


For more information see the B2match platform about the webinar or reach out to:

Lea Louise Motzfeldt, E-mail: lmot@ufm.dk

Anna Degn Johansen, E-mail: adjo@um.dk

Sune Kaur-Pedersen, E-mail: spe@ufm.dk




Upcoming events

Join a unique matchmaking platform and our webinar on May 6th on European, Danish and Swiss funding opportunities for cooperation in quantum research and innovation.






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