DQC launches new Quantum Exchange Portal

Invitation to all international students wanting to pursue an academic interest in quantum technology in Denmark – one of the world’s leading countries in quantum research! 

Danish Quantum Community is pleased to announce our new portal for international students wanting to study quantum technology in Denmark. Building on the legacy of Niels Bohr, we believe future quantum leaps should be taken in collaboration with others and that we need to look beyond national borders.

Denmark has, together with 11 other countries, joined a new network of trusted partners within quantum technology. As part of this new collaboration, we are launching Denmark’s new exchange portal to encourage international cooperation on the acceleration of quantum research and quantum technology. In partnership with Udenrigsministeriet and Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet, DQC has created a complete overview of quantum programmes at Danish universities as part of this commitment.

Denmark participates in international partnership to showcase international exchange opportunities for quantum technology studies

Denmark holds several strongholds within quantum research that build on the legacy of Niels Bohr who insisted that great ideas should be developed in collaboration with others and for the common good. No country can develop quantum technology on their own and therefore, Denmark has joined an unofficial network of trusted partners within quantum technology. At the first network roundtable meeting in May 2022, it was highlighted that international collaboration will be important in order to accelerate discovery, share resources, and address global challenges.

Together with Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, Denmark took part in the launch of the Entanglement Exchange, a portal highlighting international exchange opportunities for students, postdocs, and researchers in quantum information science.

For more information on the Entanglement Exchange, please see the press release here: Entanglement Exchange

Denmark is proud to be at the forefront of quantum research as the home country of several leading research institutions on quantum technology. Several quantum leaps were taken in Denmark in recent years, including the establishment of the world’s first ever quantum-encrypted communications link and the announcement of the new NATO DIANA Center for Quantum Technologies in Copenhagen.

The portal is now live on the Danish Quantum Community website. You can read more about the opportunities to study quantum technology in Denmark on the portal here

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