Aalborg University launches new quantum hub, AAU Quantum

On May 2nd, Aalborg University held the official inauguration of the university’s new hub for quantum research, AAU Quantum. The new quantum hub is a university-wide initiative led by Professor Torben Larsen and with contributions from a broad range of institutes and research groups within natural and technical sciences at Aalborg University.

The inauguration had presentations from AAU researchers from the Department of Electronic Systems, Department of Computer Science and Department of Mathematics, showcasing the cross-disciplinary nature of quantum research. Further, representatives from SDU, Kvantify and DeiC shared their perspectives on the state of Denmark’s quantum research ecosystem and quantum industry.

With over 60 attendees from all parts of Denmark, the support for AAU Quantum was clear to see. Danish Quantum Community congratulates Aalborg University on this new initiative!

A cross-disciplinary hub to increase quantum collaborations

For researchers at Aalborg University, quantum is not a new research field.  The first steps in establishing AAU Quantum were taken a year ago by AAU Quantum’s Steering Group, a small group of AAU researchers conducting quantum research.

Based on a comprehensive mapping of the existing capabilities at AAU and the potentials for growth, the group has identified four key research areas that AAU Quantum will focus on:

  1. Quantum computing, led by Professor Kim Guldstrand Larsen
  2. Edge computing and networking, led by Associate Professor Sokol Kosta
  3. Quantum connectivity, led by Professor Petar Popovski
  4. Quantum estimation and optimization, led by Professor Rafal Wisniewski

AAU Quantum has been established with the purpose of strengthening Aalborg University’s commitment to quantum research and advance collaborations between researchers at Aalborg University and other research institutions. By ensuring access to quantum infrastructure and building quantum competencies through e.g. educational programs and upskilling for existing researchers, AAU Quantum will unite the Aalborg University’s quantum engagement and increase the university’s footprint on the overall quantum ecosystem.

A milestone in maintaining a strong quantum research community in Denmark

The inauguration of a new quantum hub at Aalborg University comes at a time where quantum-related education and research activities are increasing.

A year ago, the Danish government published the first part of Denmark’s national quantum strategy, allocating 1 billion DKK to building a strong quantum research ecosystem and infrastructure. Further, with the launch of the MSc in Quantum Information Science at KU and DTU, along with the just announced Master’s in Quantum Computing at SDU, Denmark is actively working to expand our quantum talent pool.

At Danish Quantum Community, we are thrilled to have Aalborg University as a DQC partner and look forward to following the work of AAU Quantum in the coming years.

Learn more about quantum research and education in Denmark

Danish Quantum Community gathered the Danish quantum research ecosystem for our two-day Scientific Quantum Conference this April. A summary of the 15+ presentations at the conference is available here: Danish Quantum Community brought together 100 quantum enthusiasts for a two-day deep dive into Danish quantum research

We are hosting Denmark’s Quantum Exchange Portal, a comprehensive overview of the opportunities to study quantum in Denmark. The portal is hosted in collaboration with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Danish Minsitry for Higher Education and Science. You can find the full overview here: Exchange Portal

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