Uniting Danish

Quantum Technology

Learn more

Who we are

Danish Quantum Community is an initiative to bring together all quantum stakeholders in Denmark with the purpose of building a unified ecosystem and strengthening Denmark’s efforts in quantum research and quantum technologies. 

We are paving the way for the future of Danish quantum partnerships across sectors, across industries and across disciplines. By bringing together the ecosystem, we create room for new synergies, improve the conditions for quantum innovations, and leverage the business potentials for quantum technologies.

Latest news

Job posting: Vil du være med til at styrke Danish Quantum Community?

I Danish Quantum Community søger vi en ambitiøs og operationel chef med en stærk personlig og faglig profil til at (...)

Job posting: Student assistant for Danish Quantum Community

Interesserer du dig for krydsfeltet mellem ny teknologi, forskning og erhvervsliv? Har du lyst til at prøve kræfter med at (...)

The Nordic quantum ecosystem came together in Helsinki

On June 24-26, the Nordic quantum ecosystem was gathered for the annual IQT Nordics conference for a three-day update on (...)

Latest news

Job posting: Vil du være med til at styrke Danish Quantum Community?

I Danish Quantum Community søger vi en ambitiøs og operationel chef med en stærk personlig og faglig profil til at (...)

Job posting: Student assistant for Danish Quantum Community

Interesserer du dig for krydsfeltet mellem ny teknologi, forskning og erhvervsliv? Har du lyst til at prøve kræfter med at (...)


Current partners

Become a partner of Danish Quantum Community to gain access to our network of quantum stakeholders and be part of Denmark’s next quantum revolution.


Become a partner of Danish Quantum Community to gain access to our network of quantum stakeholders and be part of Denmark’s next quantum revolution.

Upcoming events

DQC is partnering with Copenhagen Fintech to highlight the impact of quantum technology on the financial sector at Nordic Fintech Week.
